
亚利桑那州钱德勒市 2024 年 12 月 18 日:Rogers Corporation (NYSE: ROG) (“Rogers”) announced today that Woon Keat Moh ("Moh") has been appointed as an independent member of the Company’s Board of Directors, effective 2025 年 1 月 1 日. Following this change, the Board will be composed of nine members, eight of whom are independent.

"We are excited to welcome Moh to our Board,” said Peter Wallace, Chair of the Board of Rogers. “He is a highly qualified executive with extensive experience leading global businesses. He has nearly 30 years of experience in the specialty materials industry, including significant leadership roles in Asia and North America. Moh’s appointment adds even greater strength to our purpose-built Board, and we are confident that his expertise will help further Rogers’ strategy as we work to create value for our shareholders.”

About Woon Keat Moh

Mr. Moh has nearly three decades of experience in the specialty and engineered materials industry. He is currently Senior Vice President and President of the Color, Additives & Inks global business segment at Avient Corporation. Since joining Avient in 2010, he has held multiple senior leadership roles, including President of the Americas and Asia regions of the Color, Additives & Inks segment. Other roles at Avient included Sales Director for Color and Additives Asia and General Manager of Specialty Engineered Materials Asia. He also served as Vice President of Asia. Prior to joining Avient, he worked at Bayer and Clariant, where he served in various commercial leadership roles. Mr. Moh holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from the University of New Brunswick.


罗杰斯公司(NYSE:ROG)作为工程材料的全球领导者,我们的产品正驱动、保护并连接我们的世界。罗杰斯为客户提供创新解决方案帮助他们应对材料领域的困难和挑战。我们的先进电子以及高弹体材料可广泛用于电动/混动汽车、车辆安全和雷达系统、移动设备、可再生能源、无线基础设施、高效电机驱动以及工业设备等诸多领域。罗杰斯总部位于亚利桑那州钱德勒市,在美国、亚洲和欧洲都设有制造工厂,销售办事处遍布全球。如需了解详情,请访问 www.rogerscorp.com


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Amy Kweder


Steve Haymore


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